Distribution of Food and Items to the Underprivileged & Needy in Rural India
JKP’s other charitable activities in India include distribution of warm clothes, utensils, blankets for the underprivileged, especially made bicycles for handicapped, household items for widows, lepers and the blind are some of the initiatives conducted with regular frequency to help thousands of destitute souls who have nothing and nobody to depend on.
JKP charitable activities are supported through active fund raising as well as other JKP social service activities. Click here to read about social service activities of JKP
In Service, Day After Day After Day…
This is one day of many…. where Kripalu Charitable Trust offers dreams of health, education and hope, from poverty and destitution to many and compassionately serves those in real need; while people like us, living in more developed parts of the world, get the opportunity to make a dramatic difference to so improve many lives. This work continues day after day, month after month, year after year…
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