
To provide medical facilities to the most needy, Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat runs three Jagadguru Kripalu Chikitsalayas in three rural areas of Uttar Pradesh – Mangarh in Pratapgarh district of UP, Barsana in Mathura district of UP and Vrindavan, also in Mathura district of UP.


Get involved. Support the cause of your passion. Send your contributions by cheque/draft in favor of “JKP Foundation”  400 Barsana Road, Austin, TX 78737


JKP Worldwide runs three educational institutions in Kunda, UP, India. This charitable Institution provides 100% Education to students from Kindergarten through to Graduate and Postgraduate levels and gives hope to thousands of underprivileged girls in rural India for a brighter future.


JKP’s other charitable activities in India include distribution of warm clothes, utensils, blankets for the underprivileged, especially made bicycles for handicapped, household items for widows, lepers and the blind are some of the initiatives conducted with regular frequency to help thousands of destitute souls who have nothing and nobody to depend on.